Herbs of Gold Digest-Zymes assists the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, including fibre and lactose.
It contains microbial-derived enzymes amylase, protease, tilactase (lactase) and cellulase. These enzymes are highly stable and active throughout a wide pH range. This makes them more active and functional for a longer distance through the digestive tract (when compared to pancreatic enzymes).
This supplement contains:
- Protease to assist the digestion of proteins.
- Amylase to assist the digestion of carbohydrates and cellulose to help breakdown fibre.
- Lipase to assist the digestion of fats.
- Bromelains, proteolytic enzymes derived from pineapples, to assist the digestion of protein.
- Lactase to assist the digestion of lactose, the primary sugar found in dairy products.
- Gentian, a herb traditionally used in Western herbal medicine as a bitter tonic and to relieve symptoms of indigestion, including abdominal pain, bloating and feelings of fullness. It is also traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to improve digestive weakness, promote bile flow from the gallbladder and support healthy digestive function.
Capsules: 60
NOTE: Prior to shipping of all vitamins and supplements, Vim & Co’s Pharmacists will review your order and may be in contact (if they deem necessary) to discuss your medical history and existing medications, in relation to any products where contraindications may exist.